Search Results for: florida health care

The Florida Division of Elections released data Friday confirming that the group Floridians Protecting Freedom (FPF) successfully gathered the required number of signatures to put an amendment on the Florida ballot to enshrine abortion protections in the state constitution. FPF Campaign Director Lauren Brenzel celebrated the milestone, stating, “The fact that we only launched our [...]


This article is the fourth in a series covering attacks on the rule of law. The rule of law is a political philosophy premised on the promise that all citizens, leaders, and institutions are accountable to the same laws, guaranteed through processes, practices, and norms that work together to support the equality of all citizens [...]


The North Carolina House and Senate voted Wednesday to override Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of three bills related to LGTBQ+ youths. The bills, SB49, HB808 and HB574, each target a different LGTBQ-related issue. SB49, which limits discussion of gender and sexual identity in classrooms, has been compared by Cooper to Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill. [...]


A group of seven Georgia parents and children filed a suit in state court Friday attempting to block the state’s ban on gender-affirming healthcare for minors, including hormone therapy, surgery and other “irreversible procedures.” The families were assisted in filing the suit by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and the [...]


US President Joe Biden signed an executive order Friday designed to strengthen and protect access to contraception. Biden signed the order nearly one year after the Supreme Court handed down its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned the landmark reproductive rights case Roe v. Wade. Since then, some states in the [...]


The US District Court for the Southern District of Indiana temporarily blocked an Indiana law on Friday that banned gender-affirming care for transgender youth. The law, S.E.A. 480, was set to go into effect July 1 and restricted care like puberty blockers and hormone treatments. It also included a ban on gender reassignment surgeries for [...]


Human Rights Campaign (HRC), an LGBTQ+ rights group, declared a state of emergency for LGBTQ+ people in the US on Tuesday in a new report that highlights the steep increase in laws and harassment targeting the LGBTQ+ community. This is the first time HRC, founded in 1980, has taken such an action. HRC president Kelley [...]


South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster signed a bill into law Thursday banning most abortions in the state after 6 weeks. The bill passed South Carolina’s Senate on Tuesday after defeating five senators’—all women—filibuster to block its passage. South Carolina joins a number of other US states who have passed similar bills into law, including Florida, [...]